Cryptographic options (Opções de Criptografia) :: Admirável Mundo Novo

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terça-feira, 22 de abril de 2008

Cryptographic options (Opções de Criptografia)


Cryptographic options ───────────────────────────


--- Cryptographic API

--- HMAC support

<M> Null algorithms

<M> MD4 digest algorithm

<*> MD5 digest algorithm

<M> SHA1 digest algorithm

<M> SHA256 digest algorithm

<M> SHA384 and SHA512 digest algorithms

<M> Whirlpool digest algorithms

<M> Tiger digest algorithms

<M> DES and Triple DES EDE cipher algorithms

<M> Blowfish cipher algorithm

<M> Twofish cipher algorithm

<M> Serpent cipher algorithm

<M> AES cipher algorithms

<M> AES cipher algorithms (i586)

<M> CAST5 (CAST-128) cipher algorithm

<M> CAST6 (CAST-256) cipher algorithm

<M> TEA, XTEA and XETA cipher algorithms

<M> ARC4 cipher algorithm

<M> Khazad cipher algorithm

<M> Anubis cipher algorithm

<M> Deflate compression algorithm

<M> Michael MIC keyed digest algorithm

<M> CRC32c CRC algorithm

<M> Testing module

        Hardware crypto devices --->

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Admirável Mundo Novo: Tudo Sobre Asterisk, OpenSER, Linux e Tecnologias de Voz sobre IP
by Cléviton Mendes de Araújo is licensed under a Creative Commons Atribuição 2.5 Brasil License.